澳大利亚商会-上海AustCham Shanghai辉煌三十年

2024-08-15 16:55:22     来源:

2024年标志着澳大利亚商会-上海成立30周年的重要里程碑, 在过去的三十年里,我们致力于促进澳中之间的紧密联系、推动商业贸易增长、深入文化互动交流和共赢的持续合作。

This year marks a significant milestone for the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AustCham Shanghai) as we celebrate our 30 Year Anniversary! Over the past three decades, we have proudly fostered strong relationships between Australia and China, promoting business growth, cultural exchange, and lasting partnerships.


We are thrilled to announce that we will host our 30 Year Anniversary Gala, supported by ANZ Bank, on August 29th. This grand event will be an evening to remember, filled with celebrations and acknowledgments of the incredible journey we have shared with our members and the broader Australia-China community.



30 years of AustCham Shanghai's remarkable journey

自1994年成立以来,澳大利亚商会-上海(AustCham Shanghai)迅速发展为大中华区规模最大的澳大利亚商会,成为在澳中贸易和投资领域中举足轻重的代表。通过一系列面向政府、商界和社会的活动,赋能了中澳两国关系的稳固发展。澳大利亚商会-上海曾邀请包括澳大利亚前总理、贸易、旅游与投资部长、驻华大使、澳大利亚各州州长、驻沪总领事,以及维珍集团创始人理查德·布兰森和澳洲传奇女性商业女性领袖克里斯汀·霍尔盖特等知名政商界人士,举办高规格的早餐简报会,确立了其在高层对话和加强双边关系中的重要地位。此外,澳大利亚商会-上海积极与澳大利亚各州政府保持密切合作,并与中国地方政府相关机构,如各地区的中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)签署了系列谅解备忘录,进一步彰显了商会在政策倡导和建立坚实政府关系网络的关键作用。

Since its founding in 1994, AustCham Shanghai has grown into the largest Australian Chamber of Commerce in Greater China, representing business and individuals involved in trade and investment between Australia and China, fostering strong Sino-Australia relations through a variety of events that cater to government, business and social sectors. By hosting high-profile breakfast briefings with prominent figures such as former Australian Prime Ministers, Ministers for Trade and Tourism, Ambassadors, State Premier, Consul General and business icons like Richard Branson and Christine Holgate, AustCham Shanghai has cemented its role for high-level dialogue and strengthening bilateral ties. Furthermore, actively engaging with Australian State Governments and signing MoU’s with Chinese government-affiliated organizations such as CCPIT across a range of Provinces, underscores AustCham Shanghai’s role in advocacy and establishing a robust government relations network.




The Chamber’s commitment to providing business advisory and industry insights that reinforce its role in thought leadership. From the submission of a Foreign Policy White Paper to the launch of the Australia-China Business Sentiment Survey Report, and through multiple delegation visits and 11 Industry Forums covering diverse sectors including manufacturing, environment, food and beverage, health, to education, financial services, and FMCG, AustCham Shanghai has solidified its position as a vital resource for market strategy and business development within the Australia-China business landscape. Finally, as business networks in China remain immensely valuable in identifying opportunities, AustCham Shanghai has hosted numerous community-focused events such as the Australia-China Business Awards, Monthly Aussie Drinks, solidifying AustCham Shanghai’s role as a vital hub for enhancing the Australia-China business community.



30 Year Anniversary Gala Event highlight

1. 主题演讲:聆听来自澳大利亚和中国政府杰出代表的致辞。

Keynote Speeches: Hear from distinguished representatives including from Australian and Chinese Governments.

2. 仪式:庆祝商会多年来建立的稳固合作伙伴关系。

Ceremonies: Celebrate the strong partnerships and collaborations we have built over the years.

3. 表彰:嘉奖商会的长期会员及其对澳中社群的贡献。

Recognition: Honor our long-term members and their contributions to our community.

4. 颁奖:揭晓商会享有盛誉的商业奖项的获奖者。

Awards: Announce the winners of our prestigious Business Awards.


This gala is not just about celebrating the past; it's about embracing the future together. With over 400 influential guests expected, including members of the Australian and Chinese Governments, AustCham Shanghai members, and prominent figures from the Australia-China community, it's a networking opportunity not to be missed!


Join us as we celebrate 30 years of AustCham Shanghai's remarkable journey, achievements, and the vibrant community that makes it all possible. Let's raise a toast to the past, present, and future of AustCham Shanghai together!




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